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Transfusion medicine

Transfusion medicine handbook

The Transfusion Medicine Handbook is designed to assist hospital staff and other health professionals in modern Transfusion Medicine Practice.

6. Special Circumstances

6.15 Intrauterine Transfusion (IUT)

Intrauterine red cell transfusion is used to correct fetal anaemia resulting from red cell alloimmunisation (most commonly due to anti-D followed in order of importance by anti-c and anti-K) and less commonly red cell aplasia due to fetal parvovirus infection. The goal of IUT is primarily to prevent (or treat) fetal hydrops, ensuring the fetus reaches a viable gestational age and can be delivered. Cellular components for IUT must be irradiated.

Consultation with a NZBS Transfusion Medicine Specialist/Medical Officer is required to access these components. The specification for the component will be agreed in advance with the fetomaternal specialist and information on the actual composition of the component provided at the time of delivery of the product.

The general specifications for red cell for use in IUT are as follows:

Table 6.10: Component Requirements for IUT

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