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Transfusion medicine

Transfusion medicine handbook

The Transfusion Medicine Handbook is designed to assist hospital staff and other health professionals in modern Transfusion Medicine Practice.

9. Other Services Provided by NZBS

9.6 Red Cell Reference Laboratory (Immunohaematology)

The NZBS Red cell Reference Laboratory is located in the NZBS Auckland centre and offers a national immunohaematology testing service as well as clinical and technical advice for resolving problems encountered during pretransfusion and antenatal testing such as:

  • blood grouping, antibody screening and crossmatching
  • antibody identification/confirmation and resolution of difficult antibody mixtures
  • antibody titration (antenatal, cold agglutinins and isohaemoagglutinins)
  • adsorption and elution studies for patients with autoantibodies
  • red cell phenotyping and genotyping
  • management of rare donor file
  • clinical relevance of antibodies to high frequency antigens prior to transfusion
  • monocyte monolayer assay- this is a laboratory test where monocytes are placed in a single layer and then exposed to a combination of red blood cells mixed with antibodies. It predicts the likelihood that antibodies detected in a patient will cause red cell destruction. Usually, it is only performed when red cell units without the corresponding antigen are hard to find.
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