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Transfusion medicine

Transfusion medicine handbook

The Transfusion Medicine Handbook is designed to assist hospital staff and other health professionals in modern Transfusion Medicine Practice.

9. Other Services Provided by NZBS

9.9 Organ Donation New Zealand

The Donor Coordination Service was established in 1987 at Greenlane Hospital in Auckland at the same time that heart transplantation began. In 2005, the service changed its name to Organ Donation New Zealand (ODNZ).

Today, Organ Donation NZ is part of NZ Blood Service and coordinates a 24-hour, national organ and tissue donation service.

ODNZ is a specialised team of doctors and nurses and the primary responsibility of ODNZ is to co-ordinate the donation of organs and tissues from deceased donors in New Zealand for transplant units and tissue banks in New Zealand and sometimes Australia. The donor coordinators also provide information and on-going support for those families who have generously donated organs or tissues.

Organ Donation New Zealand staff work with health professionals throughout New Zealand providing education and training to ensure there are excellent, nationally consistent, processes for organ and tissue donation.


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